Welcome to my blog!
We're very excited about launching this -- hopefully you'll find it useful (or at least entertaining) too.
Our blog will not take the place of our free, monthly online newsletter. As a matter of fact, we'll post a link to the ArtsyFartsy News as soon as we get it ready.
In our blog you can expect a little looser style - almost like a journal entry. We'll be in the field a lot too (I've started to call it "on tour") when I am traveling to different areas for workshops.
Just last weekend - Labor Day Weekend - Kate and I had a booth at the Sausalito Art Festival. What a great festival! The deadline every year is March 1st. You can download forms and applications from their website: http://www.sausalitoartfestival.org They are always in the top ten of the country's outdoor festivals. The organizers make it so easy - they transport all the gear and artwork to your booth space, the communal tents are already setup, they don't take a commission, they feed and water the artists and booth assistants for all three days of the festival (Sat-Sun-Mon). There is also a killer party on Friday night. Here are a couple of photos from our booth!